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Katherine's Digital Art Portfolio


A Day in the life of a Barista

Katherine Novikoff

Audio Project



Coffee Shop Sounds.

Every morning at about 3:45 am I wake up and drive to Starbucks to open the store. We unlock the door, clock in and it’s go time. In my track you can hear sounds of coffee being brewed and water being ran. If you listen closely you can hear music in the background. You can hear the ambient noises in the background as well. I love the sounds of beans being scooped and the coffee grinder running. 30 minutes is all we get to have the store open and ready for the day, but I was surprised at how many sounds I got from just those 30 minutes. Hope you enjoy a glimpse into my day.


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Katherine Novikoff

Digital Art


In the not-so-distant future the world has been taken over by mushrooms. As the robots became more and more aware that mushrooms were a far superior collection of knowledge, they began to nurture and encourage the mushrooms to spread. A.I. has come a long way in this world, and the robots have learned how to control the weather so that the mushrooms have optimal growing conditions. You can see that animals and people are scarce in this world, but that the orange cat has found a friend in robot cat form. Is the shadowy figure a robot, or a human just trying to blend in? If this figure is human, he had better watch out or he might become the Oyster Mushroom’s next meal.

Cocky Balboa

Cocky Balboa

Katherine Novikoff

Parody Trailer


I decided to do this project on the film ROCKY about the Boxer. I based my movie trailer off of the trailers for ROCKY and ROCKY 2. My husband actually had this idea, he said “wouldn’t it be funny if Rocky was a Chicken?”. And I was hooked! So, we shot everything in one day, but drove all over Weatherford to get it done. I have had a lot of fun with this project, and have really learned a lot in the process. My favorite part was that it is so easy to take out audio from the videos


Under the sea

Under the Sea

Katherine Novikoff

Digital Art

Layered Landscape


I would like to imagine a world where Mermaids exist. A world where the colors are bright and the sea is a happy place. This is my version of a happy magical underwater place where magic exists.


An underwater adventure is underway. Fish schools swarm around looking for food. Meanwhile, an octopus makes moves to try and give the nearby mermaid a hug. Her vibrant colors make it hard for her to hide but perhaps she can get away into the nearby purple coral? The sea turtles are swimming to warmer waters. No sharks exist in these waters.

Taste the rainbow

Taste the Rainbow

Katherine Novikoff


Animation/ Stop Motion Video


When I started thinking about this project, I knew that I wanted to do a cat, and I also knew that I wanted to work with clay because I liked clay when I was a young student. I usually collaborate with my partners at Starbucks to get the creative juices flowing, and we were talking about the cat project and got the idea for the cat to eat Skittles and then turn different colors each time. I started with a black cat (the absence of color in light) and ended with white to represent all the colors together. I used my desk as the scenery because I like to imagine what my projects would do if they came to life.

We worked on voiceovers, my son, my husband, and I. So, all of the sound effects will be handmade. I also plan on finding some cute music to put in the background. I have enjoyed working with the app Stop Motion Studio because it is effortless to use with my phone.

This project has brought me so much joy. Somehow, it didn’t feel like work, it felt like I was just playing with clay.

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